April 30, 2024

GISMAP and HydroloGIS together on international projects for cooperation in developing countries

GISMAP and Hydrologis have signed an agreement to strengthen their collaboration in the framework of international projects for cooperation in developing countries. The main goal of this partnership is to jointly implement advanced tools for field data collection and analysis with related training activities.

GISMAP e HydroloGIS hanno firmato un accordo per rafforzare la loro cooperazione nel quadro di progetti di cooperazione internazionale nei paesi in via di sviluppo. L’obiettivo principale è la realizzazione di strumenti tecnologicamente avanzati per la raccolta e l’analisi dei dati di campo insieme alle attività di formazione collegate

GISMAP et HydroloGIS ont signé un accord pour renforcer leur collaboration dans le cadre de projets internationaux de coopération dans les pays en développement. L’objectif principal de ce partenariat est de mettre en œuvre conjointement des outils technologiquement avancés pour la collecte et l’analyse de données de terrain ainsi que la réalisation des activités de formation y référant.

GISMAP und Hydrologis haben ein Abkommen zur Konsolidierung ihrer Zusammenarbeit auf internationalen Projekten in Entwicklungsländern unterschrieben. Hauptziel dieser Partnershaft ist es zusammen sowohl fortgeschrittene Werkzeuge zur Felddatenerfassung und Analyse zu entwickeln also auch dafür Schulungen zu bieten.

GISMAP y Hydrologis han firmado un acuerdo para reforzar su colaboración en el marco de proyectos internacionales de cooperación en países en desarrollo. El objetivo principal es implementar conjuntamente herramientas avanzadas para la recolección y análisis de datos de campo junto con la realización de las actividades de formación relacionadas

الهدفالرئيسيمنهذهالشراكةهوتنفيذبالاشتراكأدواتمتطورة من الناحية التيكنولوجية لجمعالبياناتالميدانيةوتحليلهاو تقديمأنشطةالتدريبالمتعلقة بها.

I am particularly excited by this announcement. HydroloGIS and GISMAP will be working together tightly to supply open source tools and training in developing countries. It is an amazing synergy for us, that will among other things push Geopaparazzi on cheap devices to do good for the people. Bringing open source tools to the people has been HydroloGIS’ dream and aim since its beginning.
Thanks to GISMAP for reaching out for us in this quest.


from Planet GS via John Jason Fallows in Inoreader http://ift.tt/1yGSgqh

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