May 4, 2024

Phil Hendrie and Bob Shooton – Randal Dull Fail Geography

You would think a drug addicted junior college flunky like Phil Hendrie and an armchair detective like Bob Shooton (Randal Dull) would be able to figure out a few simple things.

Phil Hendrie Psychopath
Phil Hendrie, Psychopath
Bob Shooton / Randal Dull, Pyschopath
Bob/Randal, Psychopath

Case in point:  The great ipokesmot.com registration caper of whenever.

On September 11th, 2014 when rest of our country and I were remembering the fallen of 911, these creeps posted what they thought was the smoking gun of smoking guns.  Bob/Randal thought it would be clever to run a whois query for ipokesmot.com.  Surely there would be some clues there, or so they thought.  Here is the image they came up with:


You can still run the query today with the same results:


It has 2 images posted. The first is probably from the link above.

From high altitude it looks close to where I lived from 2006-2010.  Never mind Phil and his stooges insisted I still lived there throughout 2013-2014.  You can click the map and it shows the pin closest to:

13824 N 88th Pl
Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Oops!  Wrong address.

Then logic begins to break down some more with the second map image.  Bob (Randal Dull) probably hand crafted it and typed the following address on it:

5222 N Granite Reef Rd.

One of the many problems with this map image is the fact that the address does not even exist.  Not sure what the source of the map is.  Try searching for 5222 N Granite Reef Rd. and you get this:

Phil Hendrie fails at Geography
Phil Hendrie fails at Geography

Try any variation you want.  I’m sure Bob Shooton / Randal Dull, ace detective, did its due diligence.  Not.

Back to the domain name.  On Bob/Randal’s own image it uses the IP address

According to http://wsowner.com/ip/, there are 22,794 websites associated with that IP address at this time.

Phil Hendrie's Failures
Phil Hendrie’s Failures

Such as 1892love.com.  If you search for the domain information for any of these 22,794 sites, the physical address associated with them is:

33.6119 latitude / -111.8906 longitude – near 13824 N 88th Pl, Scottsdale, AZ 85260.  Not even the same zip code where I lived.  Perhaps Phil Hendrie and Bob Shooton / Randal Dull should have paid closer attention to the disclaimer:

Warning geographical information are based on the IP address localisation of the main server, the reliability isn’t 100%, so it might be wrong.

For heavens’ sake, it is on its own image.  This is only one of the many reasons you should never trust a thing Phil Hendrie or Bob Shooton / Randal Dull says.  Their rate of demonstrably false statements is sky high.  They do not care who they malign in their bungling.  Can’t add or read a map, but they can both lie a lot.


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