May 14, 2024

Just Cause 3’s ‘Sky Fortress’ DLC adds a sci-fi twist

Just Cause 3 isn’t exactly known for its subtlety, with rocket-powered C4 and gigantic explosions highlighting Avalanche’s latest open-world adventure, but the game’s first expansion pack is making things even more extreme by adding a futuristic twist.

The expansion, titled Sky Fortress, gives protagonist Rico access to a number of new, high-tech weapons, including the Bavarium Splitter assault rifle. His Bavarium Wingsuit also allows him to assault targets from the air, with a mini-gun and a gigantic energy blast destroying several targets in the expansion’s official trailer. The Eden Corporation, which serves as Rico’s new target, appears to be mining the island of Medici for rare resources using an army of futuristic drones and a massive airborne battleship.

Related: Multiplayer modders are hard at work on Just Cause 3

“Locked and loaded with a Bavarium machine gun and rockets, players can expect an additional 3-4 hours of gameplay in Sky Fortress: that includes new missions, challenges and weapons,” says Square Enix’s Lee Williams. “Oh, and did we mention you can use these new toys in the main game?”

Early YouTube commenters seem sufficiently impressed by Sky Fortress, with one user saying that the game is about “to drop the hottest DLC of 2016.” If Rico records a fire mixtape to coincide with the release, the universe might just implode. There are others, however, who seem annoyed that Avalanche hasn’t gotten the console versions running at reasonable framerates before jumping into DLC development.

Sky Fortress is the first of three planned DLC packs for Just Cause 3‘s “Air Land & Sea” season pass. The next expansion, Mech Land Assault, appears to focus on an enemy dubbed “Anvil” and features walking tanks that would be right at home in Metal Gear.

The Just Cause 3 season pass retails for $25. If you prefer to buy Sky Fortress by itself, it will be available for $12 when it launches (or arrives from the future) next month. There’s currently no release date set for the next two expansions.

from Planet GS via John Jason Fallows on Inoreader http://ift.tt/211up33
Gabe Gurwin

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