April 28, 2024

Slashdot: WikiLeaks Unveils CIA Implants That Steal SSH Credentials From Windows, Linux PCs

WikiLeaks Unveils CIA Implants That Steal SSH Credentials From Windows, Linux PCs
Published on July 06, 2017 at 07:20PM
An anonymous reader quotes a report from The Hacker News: WikiLeaks has today published the 15th batch of its ongoing Vault 7 leak, this time detailing two alleged CIA implants that allowed the agency to intercept and exfiltrate SSH (Secure Shell) credentials from targeted Windows and Linux operating systems using different attack vectors. Secure Shell or SSH is a cryptographic network protocol used for remote login to machines and servers securely over an unsecured network. Dubbed BothanSpy — implant for Microsoft Windows Xshell client, and Gyrfalcon — targets the OpenSSH client on various distributions of Linux OS, including CentOS, Debian, RHEL (Red Hat), openSUSE and Ubuntu. Both implants steal user credentials for all active SSH sessions and then sends them to a CIA-controlled server.

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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