May 17, 2024

Slashdot: Microbe New To Science Found In Self-Fermented Beer

Microbe New To Science Found In Self-Fermented Beer
Published on July 30, 2017 at 02:24PM
sciencehabit writes: In May 2014, a group of scientists took a field trip to a small brewery in an old warehouse in Seattle, Washington — and came away with a microbe scientists have never seen before. In so-called wild beer, the team identified a yeast belonging to the genus Pichia, which turned out to be a hybrid of a known species called P. membranifaciens and another Pichia species completely new to science. Other Pichia species are known to spoil a beer, but the new hybrid seems to smell better.

Their investigation offered a proof-of-concept for a new methodology for studying spontaneously fermented beers — especially since the brewmaster admitted that like many brewers making wild beers, “he had no idea what microbes were living in the barrel staves that had inoculated his beer.”
The scientists dubbed the new hybrid Pichia apotheca — which is Greek for “warehouse.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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