June 17, 2024

Wyze Cam Multi Mount Adapter


Designed a multi-use mount/adapter centered around mounting a Wyze Cam via 1/4-20 screws used by most tripods and universal camera mounts. I bought generic suction cup mounts only to realize the standard Wyze cams do not have the universal 1/4″ hole. 3D printing to the rescue!

Back of the adapter has holes for the following scenarios:

  1. Threaded 1/4-20 hole should allow you to screw the mount directly to a tripod or similar type of mount. The mount and camera aren’t heavy so plastic threads should hold reliably.
  2. Plain center hole will allow you to fit a 1/4″ bolt through and fasten to your own nut/washer (this is how my suction mounts work and best for positioning as you can tighten the mount down at any angle).
  3. Hex slot for heat staking your own 1/4-20 nut using a soldering iron or similar. Not tested, welcome feedback from any who try this method.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/39osFaO on December 29, 2019 at 08:36PM by Patsiecki

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