June 17, 2024

Is Kripparian done making standard videos? – January 10, 2020 at 11:08PM

Hey guys, quick question since I’m out of the loop. I have watched the popular hearthstone player Kripparian for over a year now and I noticed on his YouTube channel he has almost entirely done battlegrounds videos since the new expansion. Does anyone know if he is just catering to what’s popular now and just doing battlegrounds videos for a while or is he mainly done with standard? I would definitely watch those vids to support him because I like his personality, but at the moment I’m just more drawn to constructed gameplay. Also, I know he streams, but I don’t really have the time to watch twitch since I’m a student, so I figured I would ask if anyone knows.


submitted by /u/pleaseandthankY
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/emz4mq/is_kripparian_done_making_standard_videos/

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