May 11, 2024

Hiprecy LEO – Simplify 3D Profiles


These are the profiles I am currently using in Simplify 3D for my LEO with good results. There are two profiles included.

  1. Hiprecy LEO – ABL: This profile runs the bed leveling routine prior to printing and saves the results to the EEPROM for future use. This must be performed at least once (or use the provided GCode) before using profile 2.

  2. Hiprecy LEO: This profile grabs the bed leveling data created with profile 1 (or the GCode provided) and enables bed leveling without actually performing the leveling routine. This can save lots of time depending on how big of a grid you have set in the firmware.

    I use profile 1 for final prints or anytime it seems the leveling has gone off. I use profile 2 when I’m pretty confident the bed leveling hasn’t changed much. I have also included a small GCode file that will run the ABL routine and save the results to the EEPROM so you can level the bed without having to slice a model or use a terminal. This is good for times when you have GCode from a model already sliced with profile 2 but want to level the bed prior to printing it.

Both of these profiles have an entry in the start GCode for a Linear Advance K value. This can be set to the value you found works best for you. Note that this only makes a difference if you have enabled Linear Advance in the firmware. It is not enabled from factory on the LEO. I suggest this be enabled as I’ve found there is a noticeable improvement in print quality when tuned properly. I included a photo of two calibration cubes I printed. The cube on the left has linear advance off, the cube on the right has it enabled.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2T71LNl on February 22, 2020 at 10:02PM by Junior_Barnes

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