May 20, 2024

Pescador Pilot pro rudder control


Pescador Pilot Pro Fishing Kayak Rudder Control

This project/product upgrade inspired me to learn more about 3d printing, additive manufacturing, and product design.

If by chance you happen to find my upgrade to the Pescador Pilot Pro fishing kayak’s abysmal rudder control. I want you to know this project was created and given away for free because i was able to learned a new skill while trying to solve a problem. Yes this product can be purchased online for around $25 but I didn’t agree with that price. Really just to much for what i was willing to pay. So any way I bought an Ender 5 printer learned how to 3d model and print. I hope you can use this and it can be approved upon and shared for free!

While this model is not perfect from a design standpoint. It functions great and is a much needed upgrade.

Please comment if I can provide any requests or need additional files ect…

Apologizes for the terrible uploaded pictures. Will edit if i can fix….

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2TNnvhx on March 6, 2020 at 11:41PM by rebel101

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