May 11, 2024

Anycubic Kossel e3D v6 Effector for 5015 part cooling fan


Hi, I’ve been using user swedishvaperuk’s e3d v6 effector (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2767236) on my Anycubic Kossel linear plus for the past year and absolutely love it! However, I wanted to re-vist the part cooling situation and add a 5015 blower fan, as I was getting a lot of air blowing back through the 4010 fan on the original design. The part that I have made for this is “5015 Anycubic Kossel Effector” which is designed using similar constraints as swedishvaperuk’s design. However, I DO NOT own the e3D v6 heatsink fan part– that is entirely untouched by me and I only included the model here to make it easier for people to access, but that is not my design whatsoever.

Thank you for printing!

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3baR6sq on March 21, 2020 at 09:58PM by Monomethylhydrazine

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