May 16, 2024

Covid Mask 2-Piece by DinosaurNothlit

Covid Mask 2-Piece –


DISCLAIMER: These are not medical grade masks. Use at your own risk! Follow social distancing protocols, mask or no mask.

These are made such that a circle of material (such as a makeup removal pad, or a cut-out circle of cloth) can be placed between the front opening of the mask and the lid, which is then screwed on tightly to hold the filter material in place. Do not use without some form of filter.

The main mask should be printed in a flexible material if possible, although I had the best luck with a semi-flex PLA blend (Paramount Flex PLA, if anyone is curious). If you print it rigid: use a low heat such as from a hairdryer or hot water to soften (but not melt) the edge that fits against your face, and smush it into your face as it cools. This should ensure a better, not to mention more comfortable, fit. The idea is to get it as close to airtight as possible.

Both pieces are intended to print without supports.

This is a re-design of Joan_Pujades’ mask. I was a little perplexed by the various pieces, and it just ended up being too difficult to put it all together. So, I simplified. I ended up tracing everything in Fusion 360, so I included a Fusion file so that others may edit this design more easily going forward.

This information appeared first at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4269254

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