May 16, 2024

Snug Fitting Filter Mask II by LoboCNC

Snug Fitting Filter Mask II –


This mask features a set of flexible fingers that press filter material snugly against your face to prevent leaks. The large filter area both makes breathing easier and reduces the back pressure to minimize any leakage airflow.

The filter is held in place around the perimeter with a rubber band so you can easily replace the filter. There is also a removable rib that keeps the filter material away from your face.

This mask should fit a wide variety of face shapes, but can be further customized by scaling the X and/or Y axes by up to +/-10%

It required a piece of filter material (old t-shirt, microfiber cloth, or cotton dishcloth) 7.5″ in diameter, and a piece of 1/2″ wide elastic about 22″ long.

This information appeared first at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4261965

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