June 11, 2024

HearthArena The Darkmoon Races Tierlist Update – January 21, 2021 at 08:25AM

Hello Arena players,

Out ratings for the 34 Darkmoon Races cards that will enter the arena are ready! As with previous expansions, a team of leaderboard-level players took the effort to rate all the cards. It’s a joint effort and we hope that by combining so much arena experience together, we can minimize bias and the amount of misses that are so common during card evaluations.

As always, we will monitor the immense amount of stats we gather within the first week after the set’s release very closely and compare them to our ingame experiences. This may lead to an early hotfix if it turns out that we were wrong about the rating of one or more cards.

Once the expansion goes live the Hearthstone Arena Tier List will be updated. Until then you can get a full picture of the Upcoming HearthArena Tier List. If you prefer a short overview, here are some of our top picks.

Our highest rated neutral The Darkmoon Races cards:

Card Rarity Score
Moonfang Legendary 81
Crabrider Common 66
Armor Vendor Rare 61

Our highest rated The Darkmoon Races class cards:

Class Top 3 cards
Demon Hunter Illidari Studies (91), Luckysoul Hoarder (75), Felfire Deadeye (74).
Druid Arbor Up (110), Dreaming Drake (87), Guidance (76).
Hunter Saddlemaster (72), Felfire Deadeye (66), Bola Shot (62).
Mage Keywarden Ivory (82), Glacier Racer (61), Imprisoned Phoenix (53).
Paladin Imprisoned Celestial (68), Libram of Judgment (65), Rally! (59).
Priest Hysteria (85), Lightsteed (75), Dark Inquisitor Xanesh (55).
Rogue Keywarden Ivory (81), Nitroboost Poison (73), Sparkjoy Cheat (58).
Shaman Mistrunner (79), Guidance (77), Landslide (72).
Warlock Hysteria (82), Luckysoul Hoarder (75), Envoy Rustwix (71).
Warrior Ironclad (75), Spiked Wheel (72), Nitroboost Poison (70).

We are also welcoming some great cards that were not in last rotation:

Non-legendary good/great that are rotating in:

Card Set Class Rarity Score
Vilespine Slayer Journey to Un’Goro Rogue Epic 124
Supercollider The Boomsday Project Warrior Epic 121
Meteor Journey to Un’Goro Mage Epic 112
Firelands Portal One Night in Karazhan Mage Common 112
Spikeridged Steed Journey to Un’Goro Paladin Rare 112
Omega Agent The Boomsday Project Warlock Epic 105
Vinecleaver Journey to Un’Goro Paladin Rare 100
Maelstrom Portal One Night in Karazhan Shaman Rare 97
Fool’s Bane One Night in Karazhan Warrior Common 96
Primordial Drake Journey to Un’Goro Neutral Epic 96
Envenom Weapon Journey to Un’Goro Rogue Rare 95
Crackling Razormaw Journey to Un’Goro Hunter Common 92
Jeweled Macaw Journey to Un’Goro Hunter Common 89
Dyn-o-matic The Boomsday Project Warrior Rare 88
Tortollan Forager Journey to Un’Goro Druid Common 88
Tar Creeper Journey to Un’Goro Neutral Common 84
Fire Plume Phoenix Journey to Un’Goro Neutral Common 84
Kindly Grandmother One Night in Karazhan Hunter Common 83
Babbling Book One Night in Karazhan Mage Rare 83
Free From Amber Journey to Un’Goro Priest Rare 82
Menacing Nimbus The Boomsday Project Shaman Common 82
Swashburglar One Night in Karazhan Rogue Common 82
Fire Fly Journey to Un’Goro Neutral Common 80
Charged Devilsaur Journey to Un’Goro Neutral Epic 80
Volcano Journey to Un’Goro Shaman Rare 80

Although the numbers themselves don’t explain our reasoning behind our scores do not hesitate to ask us for any rating that you feel needs explanation.

The HearthArena Companion will be updated for the arena changes, so we are ready to help you draft in the new Darkmoon Races meta!

The HearthArena Team feat. BlikNL, Boozor, MissElbo.

submitted by /u/HearthArena
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/l1xc4e/heartharena_the_darkmoon_races_tierlist_update/

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