May 17, 2024

How can I make a map look unrealistic? – July 2, 2022 at 09:46PM

I know is a weird question to make jajajajaja

Ok so I´m half the way with my last project (and one of my favourites) Nau is a mix of fantasy and SF set in a world similar to earth where 7 “magic” countries coexist in an uneasy tense peace, I have made some sketches of the map in inkarnate, but I realise it would be a great detail to give the map some odd feeling, something that looks ok but just as weird for any person that like making maps can tell there is something wrong with it, something that could not naturally happen.

There are 7 Regions in the world: Kumala ( Fire magic), Salkazar ( Air magic), Aztlany ( Nature magic), Ganwata ( Water magic ), Al’Jabal (Earth magic), Helhoor ( Dark magic ) and Phanchester ( Illusion magic)

It would be great to hear your ideas!

submitted by /u/Rejinal_
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