May 20, 2024

PSA: Not everyone likes Pokemoning, Confederations and Map Painting – July 24, 2022 at 08:38PM

EDIT: Opinion, not PSA, thanks for pointing out

The WoC not being able to confederate thread got a lot of heat this week and I can understand a majority of the community who does not like the decision and prefers to confederate the entire race. This is a perfectly fine opinion and should be voiced.

What is not ok is that the vassals mechanic is being bashed full out. A typical argument I read was: Vassals are useless just give us confederations.

I don’t like this argument because it is hypocritical. People are complaining because not allowing to confederate with WoC essentially adds limitations on how the game can be played and limits the fun factor for alot of people – but this argument goes both ways.

  • There are people out there that would love to see other late game scenarios than building a huge empire and quitting at turn 150ish because managing 20 provinces and 10 stacks becomes a chore.
  • There are people out there that love the vassals mechanic as a general concept and would love for CA to make it actually a worthy alternative to confederations
  • Personally I would much rather have 2-3 provinces with 2-3 stacks policing the world, helping my competent and agressive vassals to expand and conquer while I go in and snipe all the remaining enemy LLs on the map without having to protect my empire borders from all sides. This would make me stay and actually finish the long term.
  • Imagine Diablo just having the barbarian class only with no other playstyle options. We as a community should strive to accomodate various interests and playstyles and expand on options that are already in the game and ask for proper improvement instead of belittling these options and asking for one-fits-all shoes all the time. We should be asking for gameplay diversity for all parts of the community.
  • We should start asking for a general vassal overhaul and AI improvement instead of ignoring it because the current implementation is bad and the mechanic as a whole is irrelevant for many due to personal preferences
  • It would be very helpful if we could start to hold CA accountable for ALL lacklustre parts of the game (like vassals) and not just asking for fixes that benefit the mainstream gameplay preferences only

TL;DR: there is a part of this community that would like to have different ways to play the game instead of being forced into one particular playstyle by lacklustre implementation of alternatives like vassals.

submitted by /u/Foxbat226
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