May 21, 2024

Reminder: Packs with Gold, up to 50 at a time – July 30, 2022 at 10:52PM

Reminder: Packs with Gold, up to 50 at a time

As the expansion drops imminently (and every time this is brought up even long term players seem not to know), you can double click (or double-tap on mobile) on the 1 Pack 100 Gold button and it will open a dialog box so that you can purchase up to 50 packs at a time with gold. Rather than doing them one at a time.

Also, since you’ll likely be bulk purchasing on Tuesday: Make sure you’re buying the correct pack, Blizzard won’t give refunds/exchanges if you accidentally buy the wrong thing. (They only do exchanges if IRL money was involved, not Gold).

Good Luck on your pulls!


submitted by /u/VirgoFanboi
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/wc63p9/reminder_packs_with_gold_up_to_50_at_a_time/

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