May 28, 2024

How to make Old Gods survive in Mercenaries – August 15, 2022 at 04:07PM

The Old Gods are unique, flavorful Mercs that can be a bit tricky to use. There are only 3 of them, with C’Thun on the way. They have almost no healing and they have to build up their Old Gods abilities. The treasures they get for beating games don’t give stats or +Shadow damage. All this combined can make it hard to use them on Heroic without help.

I use this group composition

Since all their abilities are Shadow or Old Gods, using Mercs with Shadow is, IMHO, necessary.

  • Lich King provides extra healing/damage and can taunt now and then
  • Wrathion is a Fighter with a Shadow cleave and can go dragon form for extra health and tanking
  • Azshara is really the key. Her Xalatath Equipment provides 6 healing whenever a Shadow ability is cast. She can also get +3 ability damage which boosts things like N’Zoth’s Eternal Torment.

But one Treasure all these Old Gods and others can get is Shadow Volley. So when you are using your regular Shadow abilities, you will get 6 heal from Azshara, then trigger a Shadow Bolt, which will give another 6 heal.

So you can have Y’Sharj taunt-tanking with damage reduction (which is a Shadow ability) and build your Old Gods abilities while getting passively healed.

When choosing Treasures, Shadow Volley is about the best. However, for Yogg-Sarron, getting 20 cooldown or cast any ability twice is also super powerful. Because it means he can his Oh My Yogg ability (cast any 5 abilities). I’ve completely wiped out Heroic bosses by getting an Oh My Yogg twice on turn 1. And yes, he can cast it twice even if it’s still on 15 cooldown.

Once you level up these abilities, I found the Old Gods to be very viable at all Heroics.

submitted by /u/dukerustfield
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/wp5rp6/how_to_make_old_gods_survive_in_mercenaries/

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