May 14, 2024

Guaranteed tie bug in Arena. – August 27, 2022 at 11:51PM

Ok so 3 games now in Arena I’ve managed to do the same process that causes the game to effectively freeze then give the disconnected/reconnecting error. When you restart (as you will have to) you will come back into a message I’ve never seen which is “Your last arena game was a tie”.

The method, by playing [[Stormwind Champion]] with [[Remornia, Living Blade]] on the board (all times this has happened Remornia had gone from weapon back to board so might be a requirement) is all that is required to achieve this.

Super annoying as the first 2 games the play would have won me the game and the 3rd I tested it to be 100% sure this what was happening.

I could though effectively hold the cards and if I’m losing force a tie which seems rather unintended.

Has anyone got Remornia in their collection that can test if this works in Standard/Wild? I imagine being able to force ties to avoid losing rank against slower decks would be a huge benefit if it works there too.

submitted by /u/Fantast1cal
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/wzko3t/guaranteed_tie_bug_in_arena/

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