June 9, 2024

back to ranking – October 7, 2022 at 01:16AM

back to ranking

hi, i came back to play hearthstone after a long hiatus, this is my second season playing ladder classic mode and just hit legend twice in less than 14 days (september and october)

does anyone knows why is ladder so easy Right now? i dont rembember hearthstone to be that easy back in the day, is it because classic mode is less played now days or is it because everyone is playing standard? ( i dont wanna sound arrogant but the truth is that i didnt try hard this two legend runs)

i can share the decks that i used these two last seasons if you guys want :))




submitted by /u/Miguelbolaoshdz
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/xxpyl7/back_to_ranking/

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