June 5, 2024

Everyone only plays mage or lich king – January 25, 2023 at 11:47PM

I’m somewhat new to hearthstone so I may seem naive, but it seems everyone I face either plays mage or lich king, mages are annoying af with their stupid amount of freezes and secrets, but I can handle them most of the time, lich king on the other hand just seems busted. I have a pretty high win rate playing as lich king and can mirror match other lich kings pretty well, but I can’t really seem to beat them as any other class, either they just overpower me with undead, or have endless heals & life steal with triple blood. It seems most of the time people just play mage and lich king (in my elo which is apprentice) which is pretty annoying considering there are other ways to play the game.. Just kind of getting sick of seeing the same crap all the time.

submitted by /u/neutronjames
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/10ljnmo/everyone_only_plays_mage_or_lich_king/

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