May 23, 2024

undeads in bg gotta go now. – January 29, 2023 at 08:45PM

undeads are fun ngl but holy shit is it annoying to see an undead player in the top 3 (literally every game), a full board of reborns with insane damage, and massive eternal knights, among other things. there’s literally no counter unless you manage to survive 13 rounds, get good rolls, and even better attack rng. Even when you get all these things, they manage to pull something like 6, 50/20 eternal knights because of rivendare + your shit attack rng. Not to mention they scale with every death so by the time you see that player in 2 or 3 rounds, they’ve somehow tripled in stats while you roll your gold looking for anything worth buying. All undead builds need is to exist. Sure there’s rolls and knowing what minions to buy, but why do that when you can just put reborn on your eternal knights/summoners + rivendare and let them scale that way.

At least with poison murlocs there was something to match it like exodia mechs or windfury. Can’t go scam because reborns exist. Dragons seem viable assuming you can find nadina (or even have dragons as an option). Even then, they fall off because of the eternal knight scaling. Pirates seem viable but that’s a lot of rolls work to scale your guys. Take into account the rng you get.

The only time it’s high risk to go undeads is when other players are going it and you’re not getting good rolls/not knowing what to build. Still, multiple players manage to pull it off and rng becomes obsolete when all you need is a few main cards to carry the build.

Regardless of your stats, undead builds are going to have insane attacks to destroy you. They get a free reset with the reborns and don’t lose their stats. You can’t even try to kill them all at once to minimize the damage (rivendare+tunnel blaster? maybe)

I’m not saying it’s impossible to win against it. I’ve won, but with god rng and a decent hero that can give a power spike. I’ve won with a full mech build with divine shielded mecherels. Even then, the amount of rolls I needed to find mecherels and buffs is nothing compared to the undead build that only needs to exist.

Sure I might be talking out of my ass, but I can guarantee they’re gonna be a problem until eternals are replaced or the reborns are lessened. Sure you can go other builds with abomination and something weird like putricide creations, but having to face a knight that respawns with double the stats makes other builds seem like nothing.

submitted by /u/nnsan
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/10oo114/undeads_in_bg_gotta_go_now/

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