June 2, 2024

Totem Shaman Variants – May 6, 2023 at 11:15PM

Shaman main here (who doesn’t care enough to climb out of dumpster legend or even D5 depending on the meta.)

I’ve been playing a lot of Totem Shaman as it’s the only viable shaman deck right now. I prefer the Famished Fool version to the Murloc version, but have been tinkering a bit with the following changes:

-1 Famished Fool -1 Totemic Evidence +2 Shadow Suffusion

The existing lists struggle with other decks that can create a swarming board first or decks that can clear boards with low health AE. I gotta say, Suffusion has been surprisingly good! It helps clear the opponents board when they trade (which they mostly do because of how fast a totem board can kill them), and it’s kind of a reverse bloodlust for those spell decks that seem to clear your boards before they get going. Add in the low/zero cost Thing From Below/Gigantotem and you can have some really crazy tempo turns that just end the game.

So if you like playing Totem Shaman and want to try some variation, give it a whirl. I would also be curious what other variations are you guys playing?

submitted by /u/gdlocke
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/13ab2q2/totem_shaman_variants/

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