June 2, 2024

My fastest season to Legend with Big DH, really fun deck. – May 7, 2023 at 02:45PM


Just started playing last year and usually only make legend near the end of the month, but I was able to climb extremely quickly with this deck. I kept Xhilag even though some lists are cutting it, really don’t see the benefit of that weapon that gives one outcast card over a card that can swing board and win games against aggro. Also cut Felerin for Glaivetar because he was mostly useless for me when I’m usually trying to play Raging Felscreamer on turn 4. Plus having the weapon equipped can allow huge damage turns if you pull your Inquisitor early.

Overall really fun deck and can win against anything from aggro to control if played right. Don’t have starts cause I mostly play mobile but I had a 10 game win streak into legend today which felt amazing. Here’s my list.

Big Demon Hunter

Class: Demon Hunter

Format: Standard

Year of the Wolf

2x (0) Dispose of Evidence

2x (1) Illidari Studies

2x (1) Taste of Chaos

2x (1) Unleash Fel

2x (2) Chaos Strike

2x (2) Spectral Sight

1x (3) Abyssal Depths

1x (3) Crushclaw Enforcer

2x (3) Predation

2x (3) Silvermoon Arcanist

1x (4) Glaivetar

2x (4) Raging Felscreamer

2x (5) All Fel Breaks Loose

2x (6) Felscale Evoker

1x (7) Xhilag of the Abyss

2x (8) Illidari Inquisitor

2x (9) Brutal Annihilan


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

submitted by /u/steederson
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/13ay5wb/my_fastest_season_to_legend_with_big_dh_really/

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