May 20, 2024

Tavern Brawl this week is… “Three Wishes” (May 10th, 2023) – May 10, 2023 at 05:52PM

Description: “Zephrys has blessed you with a random deck and 3 Wishes! And no wishing for more wishes!”


Format: Randomized / Pick a class. The wishes take the form of 0-mana spells, but otherwise function much like the battlecry of Zephrys the Great, which served to let you “wish for the perfect spell”. The First Wish spell is added to your hand post-mulligan; Second Wish gets shuffled into your deck after you play First Wish, and then the same with Final Wish.

Per Gamepedia, “the wishes can be extremely powerful, providing board clears, removal, and pressure on demand. Like Zephrys, their effect should be saved for when you have no other options as not to waste their versatility.”

Reward: one Standard pack for your first win

History: This is the seventh time we’ve seen this format, with the last time taking place last August. This also marks the first time for Death Knights in this format.

Good luck and have fun!

submitted by /u/AintEverLucky
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/13e1bvn/tavern_brawl_this_week_is_three_wishes_may_10th/

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