June 2, 2024

Back again to ask, now that I have been playin for a couple weeks. – May 20, 2023 at 06:52PM

I’ve stockpiled my gold and I don’t know if im supposed to wait for the festival miniset or if i should be buying the march of lich king and nathria one. I really have enjoyed playing that imp/curse deck that it gave me for free. And I also enjoy the all green lichking deck I got from unlocking DK.

Idk what favors the warlock stuff though. I also really like playing warrior although I don’t do it well. Maybe wanna dabble with druid

submitted by /u/bubbledabest
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/13nacw7/back_again_to_ask_now_that_i_have_been_playin_for/

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