June 5, 2024

Is rogue in a bad spot now? – June 2, 2023 at 03:54PM

I played hearthstone back in the witchwood expansion and fell in love with rogue. I quit the game, but decided to come back to it as I could probably build a deck with all the dust I can get from disenchanting my old cards. I gave the bounce around rogue a try, didn’t feel great, so I tried a theif rogue. That didn’t work so I swapped over to a miracle list. Again it didn’t work. I feel like my opponents massively put value me and I get overrun by death knights, hunters, demon hunters, and ever other T1 deck. I managed to get to gold last season, I started playing towards the end of the month, and today i haven’t even been able to get out of copper. Is rogue just not good anymore or am I missing something?

submitted by /u/Wheel_of_Bones
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/13yijsx/is_rogue_in_a_bad_spot_now/

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