June 17, 2024

True Start Earth Large – Turn 1000 Map – America vs. 6 Civilizations (England, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, and Brazil) – December 26, 2022 at 10:29PM

True Start Earth Large - Turn 1000 Map - America vs. 6 Civilizations (England, France, Germany, Russia, Japan, and Brazil)

Turn 1000 – Full Sized Map Screenshot

Behold, it is my legendary True-Start game that has just crossed over 1000 turns! Started with 6 Civilizations involved in WW2 (America, England, France, Germany, Russia, Japan). I threw in Brazil for balance. I thought it was a bit unfair to have South America wide open solely for me to take. I have played this game periodically over the span of a year, with no goal in mind but just to have fun and see how those particular Civ’s would settle the map.

USA = Blue

Russia = Yellow

Germany = Red

Japan = Dark Red / Maroon


For a backstory, this was my dream game scenario for Civilization. It’s single player & I was really curious on how these AI Civs would develop in Europe, Africa, and Asia left by themselves. I disabled all victory types except for Domination.

Controlling America, I knew I would not encounter other civilizations for a while, so I focused on pumping out as many settlers as possible to settle all of North & South America. I also built up my naval capacity and took over some city states that were useless & in the way. I quickly settled North & South America, and met Brazil for a very tough war. They had around 6 cities in South America. It was probably the toughest war I’ve ever fought in a Civilization game, but I emerged with a glorious victory.

When my navy was built up, I rushed to settle Australia & South Africa. For a while, I focused on building up the border cities essentially into fortresses. The AI made poor decisions on locations for their cities, and due to the close proximity of their spawn location, were often embroiled in conflict (wow, so realistic!). Not all the cities you see on this map were settled by AI; about half were razed and resettled by me. None of them ended up settling serious cities oversees (except for Germany who settled a city by present-day Vancouver. It caught me off guard, for sure, but it was quickly wiped off the map. England settled in Greenland area with no useful resources and met a similar fate).

Setting the Stage for the Great War:

England controlled the UK & Scandinavia with a heavy naval presence globally. In addition to Paris, France controlled Spain and Northern Africa. Germany held Berlin and rushed to settle East in Siberia, settling way more cities than both Russian and Japan. Russia held the Western parts of present-day Russia plus Ukraine, the Middle East, and India. Japan was a juggernaut that owned all of East Asia with a huge military but never fought anyone.

England & France pissed me off from the start. Their city locations were garbage, started wars all the time, didn’t trade, and spread their own religions. I declared war on France first, then England, and attacked both in a two-front war from the Atlantic and from North Africa. As I rebuilt & resettled Europe, I launched naval forces from South Africa & Australia to take over coastal cities owned by Russia in the Middle East & India. None of these civilizations were strong, and taking their cities was a grind, but easy nonetheless. I did all I could to keep Germany happy for the time being.

The Great War:

At this point, England & France had been eliminated, and Germany & Russia were completely landlocked. Japan was growing and had a large navy. I shifted all available naval forces from around the world to the Pacific before launching an all-out invasion of Japan. The naval invasion of Tokyo cemented my Domination victory at around turn 500.

Diplomacy didn’t matter any more so I took over all the city-states that didn’t have strategic value. I am the suzerain of all remaining city states, and they provide important unique bonuses.

That’s basically it – after I pushed Japan into Machuria, everyone was landlocked. I deleted my navy to save costs and made unlimited revenue thereafter. Due to proximity, Germany came next and I pushed them out of Europe deeper into Asia using conventional war. Russia was fairly peaceful the entire game, though they relentlessly tried to spread their religion into my cities. I needed nukes to destroy all the forces of Japan before invading, and decided to nuke what remained of Russia to make sure they posed no threat.

I decided not to eliminate the remaining players yet – I’ve turned Asia/Siberia into a little playground completely bordered by my massive military. I am still playing and have not decided what my end goal is, just having fun. A war with Germany is coming next since they are the only ones I haven’t completely destroyed yet. My religion and military are dominant, and I have over 800,000 gold in the bank making over 4000 per turn. The largest and wealthiest city in the world is Nigeria. Barbarians continue to spawn in the northern tundra locations. I have a tiny navy and a massive air force with aerodromes all over the map. I maintain a huge amount of land units around the borders.

Love this game, and thanks to the community for teaching me so much over the years. I probably spent more time playing Civ 5 but have really begun to enjoy Civ 6 with my new gaming laptop. Tbh, I’m running out of steam in this game but am open to ideas for what to try.


Ask me anything!

Edit: I completely forgot – this game also started with Rome. They were useless. After I took over Rome following war with England & France, they had a few weak cities in Asia which I then took over/razed as part of the later Japanese invasion.

submitted by /u/Joebell24 to r/civ
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