June 15, 2024

I wanted a rare but ended up with 4 legendaries – June 9, 2023 at 10:53PM


I wanted plagarizarr for Kiblers thief priest deck, I was saving up for the gold for the miniset but I was short by 600 gold. So I decided to bite the bullet since the miniset legendaries aren’t that good anyways and just buy packs. I bought 4 packs and got nothing. So i bought another 3 and got a legendary! I was quite excited only to see it was the 30 mana lord of the opera. One of the miniset cards. Now I was kinda upset because now the miniset had even less value and honestly I don’t think this card is very good. Not only that but I also didn’t have plagarizarr. Im lowkey a little mad the legendary I got sucked and rage bought 7 more packs with the rest of my gold. Within 2 packs I get my plagarizarr and I’m satisfied. In a pack or 2 I get mister mukla which I’m very happy about because thats 2 legendaries close to each other and I wanted to make big hunter. Then 2 more packs and I GET A GOLDEN LEGENDARY HALVERIA, which to be fair I don’t really have any interest in demon hunter but a golden legendary I’m always hyped about. Im thinking that I’m the luckiest guy in the world at this point until I get to the last pack, and I see another legendary, I’m screaming in my dorm room at this point and not only that A FUCKING SIGNATURE ZOK. I’m going out of my mind over these pack openings and I don’t have many friends who play hearthstone so I ran to reddit lol.

TLDR: I rage bought packs because I got a bad legendary and didn’t get the rare I wanted and got a legendary mukla, golden Halveria and signature Zok







submitted by /u/naterox5
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/145nqgn/i_wanted_a_rare_but_ended_up_with_4_legendaries/

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