June 16, 2024

Universal Pictures reveals first titles for 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray and digital release

It’s clear that 4K Ultra HD technology has been gaining momentum, and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment is the latest to join the push. After watching other distributors begin releasing titles for home viewing in the cutting-edge format, Universal has announced plans to get on board. The studio’s first titles in 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray and digital formats will be be available this summer, reports Variety.

Jason Bourne fans will be happy to hear that the latest of the franchise’s films starring Matt Damon will be among Universal’s first in the format. The film seems like a perfect fit: 4K Ultra HD’s incredible resolution (four times that of HD), high dynamic range, and enhanced color will make the inevitable explosions, high-speed chases, and brutal fights scenes all the more life-like. In fact, Universal apparently was all about that action when it chose its early titles: The Huntsman: Winter’s WarWarcraft, EverestLucy, and Lone Survivor round out the studio’s initial list.

Related: These are the best 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays to show off your home theater

Universal’s plan is to roll the films out this summer, but it hasn’t yet announced any dates or prices. Presumably, however, the studio’s films in 4K Ultra HD will be more expensive compared to their HD counterparts. Amazon currently sells a number of these Blu-rays for $30, including 20th Century Fox’s Deadpool, Warner Bros’ Mad Max: Fury Road, and Sony’s Salt.

“4K Ultra HD represents a giant leap forward in movie-watching,” said UPHE President Eddie Cunningham. “The format’s stunning resolution and peak luminance, combined with its deep bench of industry support, enables us to deliver to the consumer a truly differentiated viewing experience, one that has the capability to power the future of home entertainment.”

Universal will continue to bolster its 4K Ultra HD selection moving forward. By the time New Year’s comes around, the studio expects to have over 100 films available. You know what they say — or at least should say: the more 4K Ultra HD content, the better.

Also watch: Awesome Tech You Can’t Buy Yet: Universal Cables, LiDAR
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from Planet GS via John Jason Fallows on Inoreader http://ift.tt/1YFQWN2
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