May 21, 2024

Slashdot: Plex Responds, Will Allow Users To Opt Out Of Data Collection

Plex Responds, Will Allow Users To Opt Out Of Data Collection
Published on August 20, 2017 at 09:34PM
stikves writes:
This weekend Plex had announced they were implementing a new privacy policy, including removing the ability for opting out of data collection and sharing. Fortunately the backlash here, on their forums, Reddit, and other placed allowed them to offer a more sensible state, including bringing back opt-out, and anonymity of some of the data.

Plex CEO Keith Valory wrote Saturday that some information must be transferred just to provide the service — for example, servers still check for updates, they have to determine whether a user has a premium Plex Pass, and “we have to provide accurate reporting to licensors for things like trailers and extras, photo tagging, lyrics, licensed codecs and so on… [W]e came to the conclusion that providing an ‘opt out’ in the set-up gives a false sense of privacy and feels disingenuous on our part. That is, even if you opted out, there is still a bunch of data we are collecting that we tried to call out as exceptions.” But to address concerns about data collection, Plex will make new changes to their privacy policy:
[I]n addition to providing the ability to opt out of crash reporting and marketing communications, we will provide you the ability to opt out of playback statistics for personal content on your Plex Media Server, like duration, bit rate, and resolution in a new privacy setting… we are going to “generalize” playback stats in order to make it impossible to create any sort of “fingerprint” that would allow anyone to identify a file in a library… Finally, in the new privacy tab in the server settings we will provide a full list of all product events data that we collect… Our intention here is to provide full transparency. Users will have one place where they can see what data is being collected and where they can opt out of playback data that they are not comfortable with.”
And he emphasized that “we will never sell or share data related to YOUR content libraries.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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