June 9, 2024

With the Year of the Raven expansions rotating to Wild in April, I’d like to remind everyone that we would’ve still had Genn and Baku in Standard until then. – February 15, 2020 at 10:32PM

With that being said, I wonder if odd and even decks would’ve been more/as powerful as they once were without the Year of the Mammoth cards, and with the Year of the Dragon cards, especially with Galakrond decks being what they are now. Maybe pre-nerf Galakrond Shaman would’ve stomped on the likes of Odd Rogue and Even Warlock.

submitted by /u/DDMenace23
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/f4jskj/with_the_year_of_the_raven_expansions_rotating_to/

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