June 15, 2024

Current standard meta rant – April 28, 2020 at 06:57PM

Can we talk talk about how ridiculous standard is right now? It has only gotten worse since the last nerfs. The nerf to sac pact has made DH even stronger, even though they nerfed some of the DH cards as well. I’m currently floating diamond 1-3, and today I have not faced a single opponent that wasn’t a DH. It’s honestly not even worth trying to push rank if you want to play anything other than DH. And the constant mirror matchups are no fun at all. Essentially it seems like the early game doesn’t even matter, whoever manages to draw into altruis combos/priestess of fury just straight up wins with those two cards every time.

I honestly think they should revert the sac pact nerf, as it was the only thing keeping DH from running rampant. Sure it seems dumb to have that one card keeping the class in check, but just it existing along with the other DH nerfs would IMO reduce the amount of people playing DH and the meta would become slightly more diverse. Even if it would just be warlocks and DH, that’s better than only DH. Maybe others aren’t seeing as many DH as I am but my experience the last couple days has been probably 80% DH.

I’m sure blizz will change something but honestly after two waves of DH nerf they’re just as strong as ever, something bigger needs to happen or the cards need very substantial nerfs.

submitted by /u/herpesderpes69
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/g9wuqc/current_standard_meta_rant/

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