June 2, 2024

I tried to make a bunch of different decks in Wild and I found that some of the older cards in game are really subpar. So I remade a total of 300 Wild exclusive cards with some buffs to promote awareness about the game’s legacy and to show that there is interest in buffing some of these cards. – August 19, 2020 at 08:58PM

I tried to make a bunch of different decks in Wild and I found that some of the older cards in game are really subpar. So I remade a total of 300 Wild exclusive cards with some buffs to promote awareness about the game's legacy and to show that there is interest in buffing some of these cards.

I have been playing exclusively the Wild format for years now and I have tried tons of different decks and cards, with most of them being really bad. After trying some older cards recently and thinking they were really close to being good or playable, I started to think about some buffs that could be made to them so they could see the light of day on some meme decks.

I just really want to able to have fun with some of the older cards without losing the game or paying 2 or 3 mana more for some cards that don’t need to be so expensive.

After I thought about some cards I said to myself: “Why not just look at every card that is in Wild that could get a small buff and compile them already with the buffs?” So now this post is the result of my insanity.

The developers already proved that they are open to doing buffs to older cards that did not see play, like in the Rise of the Mech event and the recent buffs during Ashes of Outland, so I think this could be possible.

I love the Wild format, I really like this game and it’s legacy. I really think it deserves more.

The Rules:

  • No changes in the soul of the card. I can’t change any card that deals damage to heal you instead, for example.
  • No adding mechanics that didn’t exist before they were introduced. So no Rush before Witchwood or Lifesteal before Frozen Throne.
  • If a card needs to get so many stat buffs to even become playable then there is no point in buffing it. For exemple Toxic Sewer Ooze, the card is outclassed by every other weapon tech so the only thing that would make it even playable is a huge stat boost.

Here are the links:

Some of these cards may be too powerfull but I think it’s better than being unplayable. Also, some of these cards never saw play and the buffs are really subtle, so try to find what I buffed in some of these cards without looking in the game just for the fun of it.

(Please tell me if the links are not working)

I had a lot of fun making these and I would like to know everyone’s opinion on some of these changes.

All of these are on Imgur. I was going to post some cards on the post itself but they were not working properly.

Hall of Fame (4 cards): here

Naxxaramas (3 cards): here

Goblins vs Gnomes (33 cards): here

Blackrock Mountain (6 cards): here

The Grand Tournament (40 cards): here

League of Explorers (14 cards): here

Wispers of the Old Gods (32 cards): here

Karazhan (14 cards): here

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (32 cards): here

Ungoro (17 cards): here

Frozen Throne (28 cards): here

Kobolds & Catacombs (13 cards): here

The Witchwood (19 cards): here

The Boomsday Project (18 cards): here

Rastakhan’s Rumble (21 cards): here

submitted by /u/grandmalta
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/icyt84/i_tried_to_make_a_bunch_of_different_decks_in/

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