June 3, 2024

I sincerely hate what druid has become – December 7, 2022 at 11:47PM

I would rather face big priest.

Druid has been one of my favorite classes in hearthstone since maybe the grand tournament. Its so much agony to just sit there and watch them spend 30 mana in one turn, clear your board, build their own board, get restored to full health and some armor gain on top, AND shuffle some jade golems into their own deck just in case you somehow live so they have inevitability.

Yes I am aware there are counters but there are so many to cover it could easily take a whole deck just to have a fighting chance against a whole class.

Every. Single. Deck. In. Wild. Has. Guff. In. It.

I can’t blame em for using it. It’s a good card. I feel like an idiot trying to curb myself by not using Guff. But holy shit 20 max mana on a class that just ramps forever and constantly gains insanely high resources…

I can’t even play this class earnestly without feeling like I’m cheating. (Yeah I’m a big softie sue me)

I’ve played this game off and on for years and especially in wild anytime I match up against druid I know I’m in for a LONG time.

So if anyone has any general tips against druid in standard it would be greatly appreciated. Wild is Wild. Lots of things make it more bearable depending on how low your willing to drop your own morals.

TLDR: Druid needs to take a chill pill. Guff needs to be nerfed. Basic Shaman propaganda.

submitted by /u/Schmoore
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/zfcnp4/i_sincerely_hate_what_druid_has_become/

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