June 3, 2024

Day 1 of 12 Days of Christmas Sale on 3D Printed Arkham Horror Products and Game Upgrades – Free Map Arrows – December 13, 2022 at 11:22PM

I wanted to drop in and let everyone know that we’ve started our first day of our 12 days of Christmas sale. Each day we’ll be offering deals on many of our favorite products.

Our special for December 14th is a free set of Arkham Horror LCG Arrow Markers with purchase of at least $35 from our Arkham Horror LCG products.

This set of arrow markers comes with 5 one-way arrows, 10 two-way arrows, 2 three-way arrows, and 1 four-way arrow. Valued at over $17.

Orders above $35 in the US also come with free shipping.

If you are interested in checking these out, you can at our website, https://jactprints.com/ and on our Etsy page. The prices will be updated automatically at check out on our website.

submitted by /u/Ohnoto to r/arkhamhorrorlcg
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