June 5, 2024

Knives set for Frame Arms m2


So I designed these 3D printed accessory that I call Knives set for frame arms m2.

Because I think they’re cute and because I can do so. And as you see in the photos

the 3D printed knives looks pretty good on this robot as he holds them in his hands,

and they can be placed on the holder that I designed to hold the swords in as well

as you see in the photos. If you wish to download this file, depending upon your

3D printer that you have and your skill level, set your 3D printer accordingly,

you may need a Dremel power tool or something similar to it, and maybe some sandpaper

to send out some of the rough edges as a result of the 3D printing process, and the

photo should show you what it should look like after you’re done with all that,

so enjoy.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/3czLfOP on March 4, 2020 at 09:02PM by luisfjdesigner3d

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