June 5, 2024

What happened to hs esports in the last couple of months (reaction to the master tour) – February 2, 2020 at 08:10PM

I didn’t really paid much attention to it during the rest of the Arlington master tour, mostly watched the day 3. But I was so chocked at the end to realize that except for the players and casters, there is no one there!! No public, no cheers, no confetti for the winner, no nothing. The interview was a joke, both the player and interviewer wanted to get it over with asap, then the trophy part was just.. Cringe

What the hell? Last one I watch was the master tour Seoul and it was another level of show!! Was it because they put more effort in Seoul? I remembered players blessing the organization there. Is Arlington team to blame? Or is it blizzard? I have been out of the loop for a couple of months (because of wow classic mainly) and I dont know the reason why they did the switch from twitch to youtube. The viewer number was ridiculous too! 5000 at best, I dont have the numbers but I feel it was much more for instance in Seoul. And I went on twitch to check the number of viewers for hearthstone, only 10k viewers. It used to be the viewers count for amaz or thijs stream, not for the whole game.

What happened/is happening?

submitted by /u/Moutishake
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/exyqy5/what_happened_to_hs_esports_in_the_last_couple_of/

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