May 15, 2024

wizbang win percentages according to hsreplay – January 5, 2020 at 10:32PM

On average like 2,500 games each


hack the system = 44%

drop the anchaaar!!! = 58.1%

galakronds fury (shaman) = 54.2%

corrupt the waters = 40.6%

bazaar Burglary = 49.3%

glakronds guile (rogue) = 46.6%

perfect justice = 51.9%

lightforged retribution = 54.8%

unseal the vault = 48.1%

dragonbane’s devastation= 57.2%

trees are friends= 55.6%

ysera’s dream defenders= 48%

ultimate impfestation= 42%

the clutches of valdris= 45.9%

reno’s riches= 45.5%

aspects of the arcane= 49.5%

day of the dead= 49.1%

galakrond’s wit (priest)= 46.1%

TLDR: Corrupt the waters is the worst (not surprised) followed by my boys ultimate impfestation, damn. Drop the ancharr is killing it with 58.1%!

submitted by /u/sgtslick
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/ekm5kf/wizbang_win_percentages_according_to_hsreplay/

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