June 7, 2024

Fist of Raden outcome table for standard – January 18, 2020 at 08:46PM

Assuming the fist doesn’t summon 0 cost minions and no 25 mana spell here’s the list I compiled of mana cost spell-to-legendary summons, with the italics meaning year of the raven cards, bold being year of the dragon and none being standard/classic cards. I included 8 and 9 mana in the event that some sort of shenanigans happens and you come across the weapon in another class or get a non shaman 8/9 mana spell

mana shaman spell potential legendary
1 Blazing invocation, earth shock, forked lightning, frost shock, lightning bolt, storm’s wrath, totemic smash, voltaic burst chameleos
2 ancestral spirit, big bad voodoo, earthen might, elementary reaction, invocation of frost, rockbiter weapon, soul of the murloc, windfury, witch’s brew archmage arugal, thalnos, kangor, stalladris, khadgar, cho, millhouse, nat pagle, finley, zayle, zephrys
3 far sight, feral spirit, haunting visions, lava burst, lightning breath, lightning storm, plague of murlocs brightwing, chenvaala, commander rhyssa, talritha, edwin, electra stormsurge, face collector, thekal, mukla, lazul, kaahrj, snipsnap, luna, overspark, loti, zentimo
4 hex brightwing, chenvaala, commander rhyssa, talritha, edwin, electra stormsurge, face collector, thekal, mukla, lazul, kaahrj, snipsnap, luna, overspark, loti, zentimo
5 bloodlust, dragon’s pack, hagatha’s scheme anka, bandersmosh, barista, greenskin, darius, tekahn, dorian, duskfallen aviana, elise, gral, halazzi, harrison, leeroy, malygos mad aspect, myra, liam, supject 9, waxadred, zilliax,
6 eureka!, rain of toads, the stormbringer armegadillo, cairne, morrigan, flik, glinda, togwaggle, hogger, illidan, kragwa, kronx, lady in whte, zihi, nithogg, oblivitron, reno, the beast, black knight, toki, veranus, zerek
7 earthquake rafaam, azalina, antonidas, baron geddon, gunspire, boom, flark, bwonswamdi, nomi, ashmore, brann, gonk, goru, whitemane, jan’alai, godfrey, velen, shu’ma, siamat, hagatha, tak, veldris, vereesa
8 none in standard akali, al’akir, hooktusk, catrina muerte, undatakah, deathwing mad aspect, betrug, grommash, gruul, malacrass, hir’eek, jepetto, lucentbark, murozond, octosari, talanji, splintergraft, tess, tirion, zzeraku
9 none in standard alexstraza, alexstraza 2, elysiana, cenarius, king krush, jaraxxus, malygos, nozdormu, onyxia, oondasta, sathrovarr, shudderwock, ysera, ysera 2
10 eye of the storm colossus of the moon, deathwing, emeriss, hakkar, kalecgos, phaoris, mecha’thun, nozari, boom reaver

submitted by /u/admirabladmiral
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/eqpdbf/fist_of_raden_outcome_table_for_standard/

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