June 8, 2024

Quest Hunter is a real beast for ladder (and it’s so good you will tolerate this pun) – January 20, 2020 at 06:52PM

The deck is great for ladder.

Really surprised with the omnipresent Rogue matchup; I felt like this is probably the best deck to counter Rogue. Had no problem beating Pirate Warrior, Highlander Hunter, Zoo Warlock and token Druid.

Went from rank 8 and 1 star to 5 with 92% WR. It’s a pretty small sample, but it was really impressive.

The list is pretty much the same in the Vs Data Reaper. Just changed a few cards I felt didn’t work:



Only real bad matchup I found is Quest Priest, because that passive (and boring) gameplan, the fact that you dont have almost anything to trade with and you can’t chip their health away really screws your strategy.

Hope you enjoy farming some Rogues!

submitted by /u/DrBonzay
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/erl7iv/quest_hunter_is_a_real_beast_for_ladder_and_its/

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