June 3, 2024

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Rapist Wants to ‘Protect Our Borders’ by Lindsay Kornick

‘Law & Order: SVU’ Rapist Wants to ‘Protect Our Borders’ –


NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit hasn’t touched upon immigration issues in a while, though it wasn’t shy about its view on abortions just a few months ago. But from what they’ve done before, it’s clear that the show believes that all legal and illegal immigrants are victims of the evil government and President Trump. This time around, they take things to a whole new level by accusing border defenders of being rapists as well.

This information appeared first at https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/lindsay-kornick/2020/02/14/law-order-svu-rapist-wants-protect-our-borders

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