June 17, 2024

Metric EMT Goliath


All of the same files in the original EMT Goliath are included here. The only changes were made to the Frame Components which are labeled with 20mm and have an A embedded into the design. All other item are the same.

These metric files have been revised to work with the more common 20mm O.D. pipes. These have not been printed and tested as i do not have access to 20mm tube. Please be sure to test print and verify the sizing is correct before going full ham and printing everything.

Stock Buid volume is 450mm x 550mm Z. So a print radius of 225mm. All the instructions for this can be found at website linked below. I have also uploaded the calculator to the github repository linked below.

Please note that Side Locks 1 &2 i print with 6 outer shells as the part is meant to hold tension. All other parts i print with 3 layers and at least 45% infill.



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This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2U8viIr on March 20, 2020 at 05:00PM by Sentein

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