May 18, 2024

Cory Corona – the Evil Corona Virus – COVID-19


This is a remix of https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4230567 , which is a remix of the original https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4199390.

The original didn’t really print right. The remix by thingerik was a lot better, but still the mesh was not one part. He did write: “This is not ideal, but it can be printed as long as you set your slicer to combine these meshes into one.” Unfortunately Simplify3d wasn’t able to work it out. So I put it through MS 3d Builder, and combined the meshes. Full credit goes to the ones who created this. BTW I only did the version with the built in support, it’s perfect, just print that. Below is the text from his creation. All this goes for this model also.:

his should print well on most FDM-printers, and you should have no problem removing the support material without breaking the legs. I made a supporting tube around the bottom leg, which helps to remove the support without breaking that leg. I also added a model without this support in case you don’t need it.

Make sure you set up the right orientation: the supporting tube should be at the bottom. And if you print the one without support, I would advise to set it up so it stands on its left cheek. Face on top will result (on fdm printers) in much less sharpness in the face and a very fragile nose.

I also made some subtle changes to the shape of the legs to prevent little bits printing in mid-air. But those will only work if you print it standing on its left cheek. Left, as in what he would call his left cheek 😉

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2xlxDqz on April 1, 2020 at 11:44PM by Thelonious

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