June 15, 2024

What is this debate in multiplayer games over Skill Based Match Making? by /u/Artemis317

What is this debate in multiplayer games over Skill Based Match Making? –

I see this argument in every competitive multiplayer games from Apex to Siege, COD to Rocket League, League of Legends to Destiny.

There is this pitched argument with both sides arguing for and against skill based match making. I see points about punishing skilled players to turning away new players from the game since they are beaten by opponents far outside of their skill level.

What I wonder is why is this such conscientious topic that’s fought over in so many different communities across gaming. I can see both sides of the argument but what is actually happening here? It seems like a good idea on paper so why is there a lot of debate against it?

submitted by /u/Artemis317
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This story was originally featured at https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/fv20gs/what_is_this_debate_in_multiplayer_games_over/

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