May 23, 2024

No one ever runs out of cards anymore. – April 28, 2020 at 07:58PM

Hi all. I’ve been playing since alpha launch, and when learning how to play the game many streamers talked about decks that had the primary goal of just burning your opponent out of resources before slamming win-cons. Decks like Wallet Warrior and Control Paladin were quite viable and quite fun. Getting your opponent to only 1 dead card left in hand felt rewarding.

As I’m trying to find similar ways to put opponents in that position, I’m realizing that it’s nearly impossible with the game’s current design. Every card creates more cards, and it’s perfectly acceptable to see classes like Rogue, Mage, and even Demon Hunter play multiple cards in a turn across multiple turns, yet STILL somehow increase total cards in hand AND add board presence.

1-drops that add cards to your hand, Lackey chains, and hyper-efficient removal costs pervade every matchup. It feels like every match is either designed all around tempo or drawing out to fatigue. The concept of midrange is largely dead. I’ve never seen anyone run out of cards since Year of the Kraken.

Had anyone else noticed this?

submitted by /u/SquirrelSanctuary
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/g9uedk/no_one_ever_runs_out_of_cards_anymore/

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