May 11, 2024

Unpopular opinion? I like regular cards more than golden versions – August 16, 2020 at 01:08PM

First, aesthetics. I guess the same way I don’t like gold chains or glitter doesn’t convey luxury to me but “cheapness” and bad taste. This is, of course, completely my preferences.

Then, consistency. Regular cards use different colors for different classes. Golden cards look all the same, and they are more difficult to tell apart. I don’t like it when at a championship stream the players are using full-golden decks. I think it’s nicer each class having its colors and this is especially important in games when cards from other classes are generated. I also think it’s better UX.

Yes, I find the animations mildly nicer than the static versions, but for me, it’s not worth overall.

I hate having a few golden cards in a deck. It looks odd, like a text with random bold words. The fact that copying a deck uses golden copies if possible might be a feature for a lot of people, but it’s (a little) annoying to me. Seeing them in the collection is also weird: you have your regular copies and then the golden copies, which are, in fact, the same card. They keep popping up because at the very least you are going to see the “Basic” golden cards.

If I have extra copies, I always disenchant the golden ones. I’m not disenchanting golden cards to craft their regular version because I would be losing a lot of value. But if it were a way to “refund” dust for a golden copy and downgrade it to regular I would definitely use it.

I’m completely fine with people liking golden cards, I’m not saying you are wrong or have bad taste. It’s just my (unpopular? opinion).

submitted by /u/m_e_i_s
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/iauq01/unpopular_opinion_i_like_regular_cards_more_than/

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