May 14, 2024

New on 500px : Charriot of fire by ClaudioCastelliKurageart by ClaudioCastelliKurageart

a beautiful thing about shooting film, is that as technology improve, you can get better results from your old negative. Yesterday I tried a “new” scanning technique: taking 2 picture of each 120 negative with a sony a 5000 camera, using some vega ukrainian enlarger lens mounted on a bellow. I kept the film straight using some normal glass, on light table, and used an old paper box to avoid relections on the glass. Even just 2 pictures merged surpass the quality of my old epson scanner. Taking, let’s say, 6 or more pictures would drive to impressive results, but it gets harder to manage. Here the old picture scanned with epson 2450 scanner (that, despite beeing old, shuld be quite the same as epson v500 – epson v600 http://ift.tt/2b7BFY2 (via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/K58cLN)

via 500px https://ift.tt/3hnPJdn

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