May 19, 2024

To all the aggro players, I get it now and I apologize – October 24, 2020 at 07:41PM

I was one of the fun meme deck people, I built my own decks like a wild menagerie reno n’zoth warrior, a warlock deck with brann+oracle otk mill, only spells mage, summon 7 1 mana cards quest hunter, the works. I love playing silly, long, value and control oriented games and for a long time I’ve had a dislike of people who “vomit all their cards and smorc”.

A few days ago I decided to make a new meme deck of Odd Shaman for giggles, it was a value deck with spells and it was fun but didn’t win a whole lot and I realized I could try making a totem version which failed even more because the 5 mana 3/6 is just too slow and not good enough, at which point I looked up actually refined decks and found one that claimed to be able to go to rank 200 in wild and tried it out and… I started winning. A lot. I’d just drop a trogg, summon spell power totems, and just nuke people from half health with double lava burst and lightning bolts.

I started to actually play ranked, having only played enough to be Gold 10 ever since Blackrock since I just never played or cared for ranked, and fought a bunch of rez priests who would die at 6 mana because an Earth Shock dealt with their taunts, reno decks who thought they were safe only to get blown up by spells, and I was just having a lot of fun. Games usually ended quick and even if I lost a game against a secret mage or Raza Priest I still probably would have lost with one of my usual decks in twice the time.

Sometimes it’s just fun being able to smorc and have little 5 minute games or just move on when you no longer want to play a losing game, I get it now.

-signed, rank 2018 legend player in wild

submitted by /u/AgitatedBull
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/jhf8lw/to_all_the_aggro_players_i_get_it_now_and_i/

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