May 19, 2024

N’Zoth Menagerie Spreadsheet – October 25, 2020 at 09:51PM

N'Zoth Menagerie Spreadsheet

Disclaimer: This won’t make a meta deck. Only a dumb fun one that might win on the nuts.

In the upcoming expansion, Madness at the Darkmoon Faire, we will be receiving a certain special card that asks for creative deckbuilding: N’Zoth, God of the Deep, a 10/5/7 with Battlecry: Resurrect a friendly minion of each minion type. Menagerie has not been a very good archetype. We had a fins and scales paladin in descent of dragons that was… not good. But maybe with a late-game bomb with N’Zoth, the archetype can shine!

So let’s consider what type of deck this guy would fit in. It’s a 10-mana minion, so it’s not an aggro deck. We will need some ways to control the board while we gather our strength. It only resurrects a number of minions equal to the amount of types you’ve played, so it gets stronger when we have played and let die several minions of various types, so this should be a more zoo-like type of deck. Resurrection acts as a form of mana-cheating, so we want our resurrected minions to be large. Given that the “bomb” is the main point of the deck, we need to make sure that not only are the minions large, but are sticky in some way. However, we don’t want our minions to summon typed tokens.

To make the bomb successful, we need to resurrect at least 1 taunt minion. That prevents the opponent from ignoring the bomb. We also might want a charge or rush minion to immediately apply pressure. We also will want some value-generating tool, so that even if the opponent can deal with the immediate pressure, we can continue to capitalize on our bomb. Since, N’Zoth will be a neutral legendary, every class will be able to create some sort of deck around him. Here is an explanation of my tool.

It’s a basic spreadsheet. Each sheet has class on the x-axis, category on the y-axis and a list of matching minions in Wild that go to that class and category. The 4 classes are:

Tempo: The card applies immediate pressure when summoned, think King Krush or Evasive Wyrm.

Taunt: It has the taunt keyword, maybe some other effects that make it worthwhile over others, think Hecklebot or Witchwood Grizzly.

Value: These cards will only benefit you the turn after the bomb. Cards here either add cards to hand, pack lots of stats or produce another wave of threat, think Twilight Runner, Supreme Abyssal or Imprison Dreadmaw.

Meme: These cards can enact one of the other three effects, but weaker or in a wacky way. Think Nozdormu for the “Oh Crap” value.

To be on these spreadsheets, the minion had to have some certain criteria:

1) An effect that didn’t need the minion to be played to be effective (taunt, charge, rush, end of turn effects)

2) It has taunt, or taunt and some sticky attribute with taunt like Divine Shield.

3) Large, most minions here cost (5) mana or more so that the bomb turn is as large as possible.

4) They don’t produce tribe tokens, though Scrapyard Colossus was included because it’s token is also really large.

For each category for each type, I looked through the neutral list of options and bolded the better ones. I then went to each class and bolded any minions that were better or at least considerable compared to the best neutral option for the given category.

Here’s how to use this for deckbuilding: Select your class, and then look through the neutral and class options for each tribe. Select a taunt, a tempo and a value from different tribes. Then, go and try to make a deck with those cards without including many other tribe minions, with the ones that you do include being on the list somewhere. Each class with have different considerations. For example, only Warrior might consider dread corsair as their taunt option given their weapons, while other classes might try to fit a Sky General Kragg with a quest.

The rest is up to you: playtest, iterate and tweak your deck. It’ll be your deck. It’ll be dumb, and slow, and pointless, but it’ll be yours.

There are a lot of options when it comes to dragons, pick wisely.

Fewer options when it comes to beasts

Too many elementals have battlecries. Earth Elemental might be preferred over Scrapyard Colossus. While Scrapyard is a BIG STICKY taunt, it also produces a token. I also included Wax Elemental in case you want a different type to be the big stat bomb.

Malganis isn’t a taunt, but he serves the same purpose

Unless you’re in standard, you’re probably going with Zilliax

Not many options. They need to print more totems



submitted by /u/qwerty11111122
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/ji5lez/nzoth_menagerie_spreadsheet/

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