May 19, 2024

Alright, I’ve been playing since beta and have done every Adventure, Brawl, Dungeon Run, whatever have you basically. And all this experience has me wondering: Why don’t we have multiple hero powers for Standard Hearthstone? – October 27, 2020 at 09:30PM

By ‘Standard Hearthstone’, I mean for Casual/Ranked play. Wild/Standard. The default mode, whatever you wish to call it.

In all these other modes I have played throughout the years, I honestly feel that different Hero Powers actually makes you play different. Makes you value cards differently. Like, seriously. Look at a number of these hero powers in the other modes. They literally let you set up entirely new gameplans just because they exist.

Why can’t the default mode of Hearthstone have that? Would it be tough to balance? Sure. But honestly, I feel like the game would REALLY get shaken up and A LOT more possibilities for decks would emerge if we could access a few of these other hero powers.

Also I understand that there have been instances of alternate hero powers being available in the default mode. Such as upgraded hero powers and new hero powers you get from Hero cards. But why not let us have alternate hero powers from the start, that you get to choose from? It feels so good to do in the dungeon run modes. Why not bring that kind of experience to base hearthstone?

submitted by /u/Alphazonex
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This information was first published at https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/jjdygu/alright_ive_been_playing_since_beta_and_have_done/

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